I create adult content, my favorite of which are role play type scenarios because I love acting. I was also a programmer for ten years and am still passionate about code and computers.
I love sativa to get me going through the day, from the time I wake and bake, and even for sleep. But I still love a good indica! One of my favorite strains is GDP. My favorite sativa strain right now is Narnia.
I LOVE to travel! I'm from the 757 (VA) originally. I have lived in Japan and now live in the PNW. I've actually never been to Canada. My favorite place would have to be Puerto Rico, though I haven't been since I was a kid.
I love to be outdoors, especially by the water, particularly by the ocean! I write poetry & spoken word, and there is usually at least one line in each work that alludes to my adoration of the sea :)